Thursday, August 27, 2020
The Nature and Variety of Late Classical and Early Hellenistic Greek St
13. Megalopolitans: The individuals from Megalopolis in Arcadia in the western Peloponnese. It was in the Achaean League during the time being portrayed. It would have been viewed as a Polis and as such would not have been viewed as only a solitary substance or mind, rather [The Greeks] ‘saw the connection between the individual and the state as organic’ (Green, 1993). The nature and assortment generally old style and early Hellenistic Greek states were extraordinary. Not one seemed, by all accounts, to be equivalent to some other. One framework supported majority rules system (Athens), another may support a diarchy (Sparta) and others might be driven by a despot. Anyway A polis right now didn't simply need to be a major city. A little town on a mountainside could be considered as a polis in light of the fact that it was driven by an assemblage of residents. Poleis ostensibly began to decrease during the Hellenistic time frame when they depended increasingly more on advo cates who might contribute riches to a city in return for political influence. A polis in Ancient Greek occasions would have implied something other than a city, rather it would be a domain, and a state; which is the reason a polis can be portrayed as a city-state. Aetolians: The Aetolians are from the territory of Aetolia which is a rugged area north of Corinth in focal Greece. It was the base of the Aetolian League which was made to match Macedonia and the Achaean League. By the 340’s it was the main force in Greece wherein Green clarifies: ‘The Aetolians now controlled the vast majority of focal Greece’ (Green, 2007). Polybios is vigorously hostile to Aetolian in his composition, maybe in light of the fact that Polybios himself was from Megalopolis which was a piece of the Achaean League, or that he based a large portion of his work for this time (220’s) on Aratus of Sicyon’s diaries. His dad was likewise a main... ...Works Cited Green, P. 2007. The Hellenistic Age. New York. Hansen, M. H. 2006. Polis: An Introduction to the Greek City-State. Oxford. Hansen, M. H. 1998. Polis and City-express: An Ancient Concept and its Modern Equivalent. Copenhagen: Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab/Munksgaard. Larsen, J. A. O. 1968. Greek Federal States: Their Institutions and History. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Paton, W. R. ed. 1922-7. Polybius, Histories. (Loeb Classical Library, 128, 137-8, and 159-61.) Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. Shipley, G. 2000. The Greek World after Alexander: 323-30 BC. London-New York: Routledge. Fine, J. V. A. ‘The Background of the Social War of 220-217B.C’. The American Jounal of Philology, Vol 61, No 2. (1940) pp. 129-165. Samuel, A. E. The Ptolemies and the Ideology of Kingship, in Hellenistic History and Culture, Ed. Green, P. 1993.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Explore how Stevenson has presented the character of Mr. Hyde Essay Example for Free
Investigate how Stevenson has introduced the character of Mr. Hyde Essay Remark on how the creator has made a feeling of wickedness in this character. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson is a novella written in the gothic style, first distributed in 1886. It is connected to different works written in a similar timeframe and in a similar style, most strikingly Dracula and The Picture of Dorian Gray. During that period, it was accepted that individuals had doppelgangers, or malevolence twins; this is the way Victorians clarified the duality of an individual. Duality is a topic significantly investigated in the novel; the duality of a person as well as the duality of Victorian culture overall. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde showed the way that numerous high class residents, who showed up fine and upstanding, shrouded dull insider facts, particularly sexual ones: precisely like Henry Jekyll. Another subject investigated in the novella is that of the significance of notoriety and class. For instance Utterson and Enfield attempt to evade babble and keep up their decency. Thus, Utterson attempts to save Jekylls notoriety, despite the fact that he detects something isn't right. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde has a rambling story structure in the way that it is separated into explicit huge occasions. Mr. Utterson is depicted as a specialist of sorts, searching for pieces of information and endeavoring to illuminate the conundrum behind his companions baffling conduct. Besides, the fact of the matter is retained until the end lastly uncovered with the passings of Lanyon and Jekyll so as to elevate the skepticism in his perusers. Hydes first prologue to the perusers is the point at which he stomps on over a little youngster. This biases the perusers impression of him since it delineates him submitting a demonstration of brutal savagery. Also, the language used to portray Hyde - explicitly likenesses adds to the effectively horrendous impression the perusers have of him. For instance, he is delineated as resembling a juggernaut and conveying it offlike Satan. This represents he resembled a relentless power of malevolence and scares and cautions the peruser. Victorians would be shocked by this as they were strict and put stock in Satan. Both the specialist and Mr. Enfield experience the longing to slaughter him because of the occurrence and this would stagger perusers as they wouldnt expect such a sensational response from what show up at first to be very quiet, levelheaded individuals. Numerous characters are scared by Hyde yet unfit to give an accurate portrayal. In any case, most concur that there is somethi ng unnatural about his appearance: difficult to depict, disappointing and out and out abhorrent. Stevenson has been purposely obscure about Hydes appearance, connecting with the perusers and permitting them to imagine what Hyde resembles exclusively. Thus, Hyde will look malevolence to all perusers, presently and numerous years from now. In Search for Mr. Hyde Mr. Utterson is upset at the news that Hyde, a total outsider, is set to acquire Jekylls fortune if there should arise an occurrence of his vanishing or unexplained nonappearance. This is a story snare Stevenson has used to allure his crowd to dig further into the secret. Furthermore, Stevenson has developed trust and a suspicion that all is well and good in Mr. Utterson from the earliest starting point of the novella: some way or another loveable and prominently human driving the peruser to confide in his account and regard him. Contrastingly, Stevenson has utilized language to make a feeling of insidiousness in Hyde during Mr. Utterson and Hydes experience. For example: Mr. Hyde shrank back with a murmuring admission of the breath, representing that he is crude and practically creature like. That is my name. What do you need? is Hydes response to Mr. Utterson tending to him, showing that Hyde is very enemy of social and isnt used to speaking with people. After his experience with Hyde he urges perusers to research Hyde: there is something else. This makes vagary and anticipation. In addition, Stevensons depiction of Hyde after his experience with Mr. Utterson underlines the feeling of insidiousness made beforehand. Through the reiteration of twisted and distortion, he produces a feeling of underhandedness as during the Victorian period disfigurement was seen as something frightful that ought to be bolted away, escaped the open eye. Moreover, Uttersons responses to Hyde bolster this: disturb, abhorring and dread. Here, Hyde is contrasted with Satan once more: Satans signature upon a face. Victorians would be stunned by the reference to Satan as to them Satan was the most remarkable power of fiendishness on Earth and his mark upon a face would make the individual very underhanded and pernicious. Next, the arbitrary demonstration of brutality in The Carew Murder Case significantly influences the perusers assessment of Hyde. Stevenson has developed the vibe of wrongdoing in Hyde through the house keepers portrayal of the wrongdoing. The action words and verb modifiers utilized are especially compelling. For instance, the action words clubbed and waved build up a feeling of savagery in Hyde. Whats more, the aural symbolism utilized permits the peruser to imagine the wrongdoing, complementing it and Hydes fierceness. The house keeper depicts Hyde as acting like a maniac and having gorilla like anger, which recommends Hyde might not have been in charge of his activities and perhaps experienced a psychological well-being issue. In any case, Victorian perusers would not have deciphered that along these lines, as there was constrained information in regards to psychological well-being during that time. Or maybe, it would have recently underscored Hydes noxiousness. Hydes decision of settlement mirrors his character as he stays in a soiled road with blackguardly environmental factors. The peruser should derive that Hyde is as vile and horrible as his condition. Additionally, this uncovers he is low-class and unsociable, as most high-class regarded residents lived in significantly more warm situations, without worn out kids crouched in the entryways. Moreover, Hydes lodgings speak to the duality of human instinct. The juxtaposition of the outside and within the house reflects how separated man is. Within there is a decent picture hung upon the dividers and it is outfitted with extravagance and great taste and outwardly there is an undesirable gin castle and ladies passing outto have a morning glass, showing the house was in a territory where destitute individuals, alcoholics and whores lived, a region where Hyde wouldnt stick out or stand out. Lanyons portrayal of Hyde echoes Hydes past delineations. Lanyon portrays Hyde as seizing, astonishing and revolting and that there was an additional interest with respect to his originlifeand status, inferring that Hyde was terrible, yet there was something in particular about him which made whoever saw him to need to look at him. This is an insight about Hydes genuine character, as now of the account, perusers still werent expected to realize that Hyde is really Jekylls change conscience. Hydes garments are another clue: they were made of rich and calm texture yet were gigantically unreasonably enormous for him. As Jekyll is affluent he could bear the cost of extravagant garments, and obviously they would be too huge for Hyde as he is significantly littler than Jekyll. Lanyon recounts Hyde as having a momentous mix ofmuscular action anddebility of constitution, implying that Hyde was enthusiastic yet seemed delicate and in a poor condition of wellbeing. On one hand, Jekylls portrayal of Hyde is a synopsis of the various characters. Jekyll says that malicious was composed extensively and clearly on Hydes face and that Hyde conveyed an engraving of deformation and rot. Then again, in any case, Jekyll is pulled in to Hyde: I was aware of no offensiveness, rather of a jump of welcome, uncovering that Jekyll, instead of being repelled by Hyde and battling the change, is polarized by him and grasped the change. Likewise, with Hyde, Jekyll feels total as he no longer needs to fight with his clouded side yet can acknowledge it is a piece of him: it appeared to be all the more express and single. In this way, the peruser isn't relied upon to feel stunned when Jekyll says human beingsare coexisted out of good and underhandedness, as Jekyll has recently clarified that great and fiendishness exist together in an individual and that it is difficult to be entire without both, connecting to the topic of duality. We all are acceptable and detestabl e, yet we choose which side to follow up on. Hydes wants were for the most part why Jekyll decided to change into him. Jekyll doesnt specify what these wants were. What was considered as socially heinous and undignified in the Victorian period, probably won't be seen that way today. Consequently, Stevenson has not indicated what Hyde gets up to or the sort of joys he satisfies: with the goal that the content is intellectually animating to perusers, be it Victorians or present day perusers. Also, Stevenson has retained the subtleties since they presumably would have annoyed a Victorian crowd. In any case, this would be diverse with an advanced crowd as a cutting edge crowd is presented to substantially more than a Victorian one. What's more, the content is progressively successful without the subtleties as perusers are left to figure, which implies Hydes mystery could be any of hundreds. Once more, Stevenson is by and large intentionally unclear, similarly as he was with Hydes appearance: making Hydes mystery everything to all p erusers. Taking everything into account, by not uncovering numerous insights regarding Hyde, Stevenson made a genuinely malicious character, as people characteristically dread the obscure. When the (couple of) subtleties are uncovered to the perusers they are incredibly undesirable, with Hyde being disfigured, gorilla like and shocking. In any case, the genuine loathsomeness in the story isn't Hyde. Jekyll, toward the beginning of section 10, depicts himself as being bornendowed other than with great partswith each assurance of a decent and recognized future. Stevenson could have been depicting each individual along these lines, as we are completely brought into the world expected to be amazing, principled people, with each assurance of a decent and recognized future. Consequently, in any event one way, everybody can identify with Jekyll. In this way, the genuine loathsomeness isn't Hyde, but instead that each individual, positive or negative, is a Jekyll and a Hyde
Friday, August 21, 2020
Conclusion Samples For Third Person Essay
Conclusion Samples For Third Person EssayMany people who want to write a good thesis will sometimes resort to using conclusion samples for third person essay writing. This is usually because they think that this type of essay, in which the thesis is the central theme, requires a good presentation of the thesis. Yet, the end result often looks odd and the academic atmosphere in the essay often doesn't flow properly, especially if the author has not prepared for this possibility beforehand.However, there are many good reasons why the author may wish to use these conclusion samples for third person essay writing. For one thing, the purpose of the thesis is to bring emphasis to the main point. In fact, this type of essay is commonly used in the same way as an extended argumentative paragraph, with the only difference being that in this case the author can completely take the thesis apart. This is done through the second person, which gives the writer a great degree of freedom when they t ry to demolish their argument.Another reason why it is important to have conclusion samples for third person essay writing is because the thesis often does not address the reader directly. Therefore, the writer may find it necessary to paraphrase what the thesis says, and it can be done by using examples of what they have written.Another good source of this type of writing is to use the works of other authors. You can find many great books that provide examples of how to write conclusion samples for third person essay. When you read these, you can get an idea of how to convey your argument clearly without going into detail.Another example use of this method is when the author tries to persuade the reader to agree with them, but they have already made their point and it will not help. It is easier for the reader to read this type of paper from the perspective of a casual observer, so this is why it is much more appropriate to use this method.Writing out this type of essay is not alwa ys easy for some authors and it can be hard to know what the audience's reaction is going to be. But if you put it all out there in advance, you may be able to predict the final outcome better than someone who does not have any knowledge of the end result. There are other things that need to be considered in this type of essay, such as how much emphasis the author wishes to put on the thesis.Even if you do end up using this method, there is still the problem of the end result. Sometimes the conclusion samples for third person essay seem to be written too specifically, or they miss out on other important aspects.To write effective conclusion samples for third person essay, you need to know exactly what you are trying to say, or if you do not, then the writers' guide that you have is the best place to start. This way, you can learn everything you need to know before you start writing.
Monday, May 25, 2020
The True Cost Of Living - 1014 Words
The True Cost of Living Affordable Housing is a subject that every federal, state, and policy maker has to address. With high homelessness rates, there has to be ways to provide affordable housing to those in need ( A family must have acceptable housing options to have a positive quality of life. Land Bank defines affordability as, A common measure of community-wide affordability is the number of homes that a household with a certain percentage of median income can afford†( Median incomes are calculated by household incomes and by demographic groups. If a person is under this median income range they have difficulty affording the housing within their communities. Of course, there are several housing options available for individuals and families. For example, The Department of Housing and Urban Development has income based programs like Section 8 and Public Housing they offer on a limited basis. Non-profit programs like Neighborhood Works offer foreclosure prevention counseling and some refinancing options. Even so, there are certain drawbacks to these housing policies that are among these housing options. With the current housing options open and in light of mediocre housing policies, there needs to be broader options for people to choose from. PART I Acceptable affordable housing is lacking for low-income individuals and families. Without adequate housing, individuals find themselves struggling financially, and manyShow MoreRelatedMinimum Wage And The Cost Of Living Essay1518 Words  | 7 Pagesand when we can do it, with the complex of living in the United States which is supposed to be the land of the free. The cost of living now these days have put those who only make minimum wage in poverty stricken situations, which now they have no choice but to depend on the government to live. 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Friday, May 15, 2020
Human Resource Department - 2100 Words
Chapter 1 1: Explain how action-oriented HRM departments differ from people-oriented HRM departments. Action-oriented: Effective HRM focuses on action rather than on record keeping, written procedure, or rules. Certainly, HRM uses rules, record, and polices, but it stresses action. HRM emphasizes the solution of employment problems to help achieve organizational objectives and facilitate employees’ development and satisfaction. People-oriented: wherever possible, HRM treats each employee as an individual and offers services and programs to meet the individual’s needs. McDonald’s, the fast-food chain, has gone so far as to give an executive the title vice president of individuality. 2. Many organizations have had a difficult time†¦show more content†¦They include: Equal employment opportunity and human rights legislation, which directly affects recruiting, selection, evaluation, and promotion, and indirectly affects employment planning, orientation, career planning, training, and development. Employment of illegal aliens. Discrimination based on sex, age, and disability. Privacy laws. Benefits regulation, which affects pensions and retirement. 2: What are the educational and behavioral factors that an HR manager must consider when staffing a division in a new geographic location? Examples include the number of skilled employees avaliable, attitudes toward education, and literacy level. Societies differ in factors such as attitudes toward wealth and profits, managerial roles,and authority. 3: Third-world nations are the most difficult to work in. Why? Third-world nations- the less developed countries- are the most difficult to work in bacause of sighificant constraints in terms of education, economic system,political structure, and the general infrastructure. 4: Which of these work-life balance programs would most appeal to you today, and why? a.Child care at or near the worksite b. Sick care for children and employees c. On-site summer camp d. Concierge services to assit with a wide variety of erands, from dry cleaning to makingShow MoreRelatedHuman Resource Department : The Human Resources Department816 Words  | 4 Pagestalented employees. The human resources department has had an important role and underappreciated role in employee hiring and retention. Through the use of strategic human resource planning, human resources departments are able to benefit a company both directly and indirectly. A direct benefit of the human resources department is the support the department provides to line managers. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Effects Of Low Socioeconomic Status On Health And...
Countless studies have concluded that low socioeconomic status (SES) predicts poor health among adults(Adler, Boyce, Chesney, Folkman, Syme, n.d.) and adolescents.(Finkelstein, Kubzansky, Goodman, 2006; Goodman, 1999; Starfield B, Riley AW, Witt WP, Robertson, 2002) Objective measures of SES such as level of education, income, and occupation are most commonly used to document these SES disparities.(Shavers VL, 2007) However, subjective social status (SSS) may also be a relevant predictor of health, independent of SES and in some cases a potentially better predictor. (Adler NE, Epel ES, Castellazzo G, Ickovics, 2000; Aneshensel CS, Sucoff, 1996) Indeed, there is a growing body of research regarding individual’s perceptions of their placement in the social hierarchy and how these perceptions relate to health and health behaviors.(Adler NE, Epel ES, Castellazzo G, Ickovics, 2000; Aneshensel CS, Sucoff, 1996) Assessing one’s perceived social status may more completely c apture the cumulative influences of social hierarchy on health by taking into account earlier life circumstances, group experiences, family history, and perceived future trajectories in a way that SES is unable to.(R. G. Wilkinson, 1999; R. Wilkinson, 1999) High SSS has been shown to be a protective factor against poor health in adult populations.(Adler NE, Epel ES, Castellazzo G, Ickovics, 2000; Aneshensel CS, Sucoff, 1996) However, the mechanisms between SSS and health in younger populations are notShow MoreRelatedReducing The Spread Of Obesity814 Words  | 4 Pagesamong social ties. 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Additional influences are the actual physical environment, surroundingsRead MoreThe Prevention Of Diastolic Blood Pressure1156 Words  | 5 Pageseducation Effects on CVD Gupta et al.,(2017) conducted a study to detect the impacts of socioeconomic status factors were also analyzed. The relationship between socioeconomic status such as, household income, level of education and social alertness of hypertension between low and middle income countries in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. They started the experiment by given a baseline survey to the participants. Their findings indicated that there was limited study conducted among the low and middleRead MoreFood Environments And Childhood Weight Status : Effects Of Neighborhood Median Income1148 Words  | 5 Pages, †¦ Taveras, E. M. (2015). Food Environments and Childhood Weight Status: Effects of Neighborhood Median Income. Childhood Obesity, 11(3), 260–268. Fiechtner, Sharifi, Sequist, Block, Duncan, Melly and Taveras (2015) studied the relationship between childhood obesity, neighborhood median income, and surrounding food environments. Median neighborhood income is a variable of socioeconomic status (SES). Food environments were broken down into grocery stores, restaurantsRead MoreHealth Concerns Among The Indigenous Community1486 Words  | 6 PagesHealth Concern 1 – Inequities among the Indigenous Community Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health inequity occurs across all health areas and many areas of health continue to get worse. Whilst there have been recent gains, the gap is widening as the health of other Australians improves faster. With the gap between aboriginals growing cancer rates has become a major issue among the indigenous community. The crisis facing Indigenous health has a long and complex history. It continues largelyRead MoreChild Abuse Prevention And Treatment Act1159 Words  | 5 Pagesmental health professionals in real-world situations, however, the definition of abuse may vary according to the developmental age of the child victim, the frequency or intensity of the behaviors regarded as abusive, the degree of intentionality, and a consideration of extenuating circumstances (Child Abuse, Primavera). Discipline is that act of training a child in accordance with rules (Online Etymology). Although each parent is rightfully given the authority to correct their child’s behavior, thereRead More The Effect of Social Organization on Everyday Life and Health824 Words  | 4 PagesThe Effect of Social Organization on Everyday Life and Health Most people do not think about their health or issues revolving around their health until they are actually ill or people think that their health is only affected by biological factors. However, our health should be a focus in our lives because our daily life has an affect on our health. Illness does not only have biological causes but is also influenced by social factors such as the socially imposed roles of gender and socioeconomic
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The Overcoat Essay Research Paper Arthur Ashe free essay sample
The Overcoat Essay, Research Paper Arthur Ashe one time said, ? From what we get, we can do a life ; what we give, nevertheless makes a life. ? Such is the instance in Nikolai Gogol? s short narrative The Overcoat. Gogol takes a adult male without a friend in the universe and gives him a new greatcoat. The new greatcoat represents a new life and a new individuality for the adult male and outright he is much happier. The adult male, Akaky Akakievich, footing his? new life? upon the love that he gives to his greatcoat, and what he feels it gives him in return. Before long, Akaky begins to care more about his beautiful coat and less about the people around him. Thus is the subject of the narrative. Often material things are more of import in our lives than people, ensuing in the emptiness of one? s bosom and psyche. One can non be genuinely happy with his ownerships entirely. We will write a custom essay sample on The Overcoat Essay Research Paper Arthur Ashe or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He needs more than that. He needs people his life, whom he can name friends. Akaky Akakievich is a low category adult male and he works difficult for his money, yet his mercenary colleagues torment him because of his shabby, raddled greatcoat. Consequently he goes out and purchases a new greatcoat. Quickly P eople get down to esteem him more as he wears the new coat, and it creates for him a new individuality. Akaky no longer is the blunt of office gags, for he is now dressed more fashionably in the eyes of his co-workers. As Akaky walks down the street, he begins to see things in a new visible radiation. From the adult females that pass him by, to what he sees inside the shop Windowss. Thingss seem to hold a new significance in his universe, all because of his new greatcoat. Akaky cares so much about his coat because it cost him rather a batch of money, but more significantly it made him experience more confident, more recognized by those around him. The greatcoat was friend to him because it was at that place for him. It gave him a sense of security and it protected him in the cold Petersburg clime. The new greatcoat, the symbol for Akaky Akakievich? s new life, was but a few pieces of fabric sewn together. However, to Akaky it was much more. It did more for him than anyone in his life of all time had and for that ground, he cared for it more than anything else in his life. His dependence on it had no boundaries and he cherished what it gave to him. A friendly relationship, a universe, a life.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
An Investigation Into the Density of Mock Blood Essay Example
An Investigation Into the Density of Mock Blood Essay Example An Investigation Into the Density of Mock Blood Essay An Investigation Into the Density of Mock Blood Essay Essay Topic: There Will Be Blood INTRODUCTION The aim of this investigation is to find out the relative densities of three different mock blood samples representing three different people. Sample A represents blood taken from a normal, healthy adult male who lives at sea level. Sample B represents blood taken from the same male after he has undergone six months of regular aerobic exercise. Sample C represents blood taken from the same male after he has spent three months undergoing aerobic training at altitude. PREDICTION I predict that the density of sample A and B will be fairly similar with not a lot of difference between them. However, there will be a difference between samples A and B compared to sample C. APPARATUS * 100cm3 sample A * 100cm3 sample B * 100cm3 sample C * 24.96g copper (II) sulphate * 1dm3 distilled water * three 1cm3 plastic syringes fitted with long needles * three 100cm3 measuring cylinders * stopwatch or clock METHOD 1. Fill three measuring cylinders with a 0.1mol/dm3 copper (II) sulphate solution, to a depth of approximately 5cm above the 100cm3 level. The copper (II) sulphate solution should be made up by dissolving 24.96g of copper (II) sulphate into 1dm3 of water. NB this must be done accurately. 2. Introduce some blood into one of the syringes, fitted with a long needle. 3. Place the tip of the needle just above the surface of the copper (II) sulphate solution. Gently press the plunger on the syringe to release a small drop of the blood into the copper (II) sulphate solution. 4. Record the time taken for the drop to fall between the 100cm3 and 10cm3 marks. 5. Repeat the procedure to obtain TEN readings. 6. Carry out this procedure for the two other blood samples. 7. Record results in a suitable format. RESULTS SAMPLE READINGS (time taken to fall in seconds) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A 11.78 11.54 12.22 12.25 11.87 11.04 11.90 11.22 12.13 11.62 B 12.41 13.19 12.75 12.07 12.53 13.81 12.22 12.50 12.53 13.03 C 8.59 9.34 8.97 8.35 8.88 8.44 8.62 9.02 8.56 8.94 Averages: A = 11.75secs B = 12.70secs C = 8.77secs To help me make a comparison between the samples I worked out values of t for the difference between A and B, then the difference between A and C. Then I used the students t Distribution to see what percentage of my values lie outside the range -t to +t . (These calculations are on the separate sheets provided). CONCLUSION I believe my results prove that my prediction is correct. Samples A and B are relatively similar, if you compare the means, for example, the mean for sample A is 11.75 seconds and the mean for sample B is 12.70 seconds. These are fairly similar. Especially when in comparison to sample C, for which the mean was 8.77 seconds. These results show that the blood in sample C is denser than the blood in samples A and B. This is due to the structure of the blood in each sample. An investigation into the density of mock blood Essay Example An investigation into the density of mock blood Essay An investigation into the density of mock blood Essay Essay Topic: There Will Be Blood An investigation into the density of mock bloodSample A blood taken from a normal healthy adult male who lives at sea level.Sample B blood taken from the same male after six months of aerobic exercise.Sample C blood taken from the same male after training for three months at altitude.ResultsTime taken for a drop of the sample to fall through 100cm3 of Copper (II) Sulphate Solution.Sample A(Seconds)Sample B(Seconds)Sample C(Seconds)11.512.010.011.513.08.014.512. 13.10Mean 13.05Mean 8.5Now I am going to carry out some statistics on my results to find if they occurred by chance or not. I am going to use the t-test because I need to compare two sets of results that I collected.T-test tablesSample Axx-x(x-x)211.51.602.5611.51.602.5614.51.401.9614.00.900.8112.01.101.2112.50.600.3614.00.900.8112.50.600.3616.53.4011.5612.01.101.21x = 13.10? = 23.4Sample Bxx-x(x-x) .01.051.1013.50.450.2014.01.051.1016.02.958.7012.01.051.1014.51.452.1011.51.452.10x = 13.05? = 18.63Sample Cxx-x(x-x) = 8.5? = 21.52T-testsSample A compared to Sample BDegrees of Freedom = 18Variance (S2) = S2A= 2.60S2B= 2.07Sample A compared with Sample CDegrees of Freedom = 18Variance (S2) = S2A= 2.60S2B= 2.40Analysis of t-testSample A compared to Sample BThe P value for this t-test was P 0.1 (P was greater than 0.1). The value means that there is not much difference between the times taken for sample A and sample B. It also means that is a greater than 0.1 chance that it occurred by chance. This makes sense as my research showed me that aerobic exercise only affects the heart and muscles not the density of the blood.Sample A compared with Sample CThe P value for this t-test however is very different. The value was P0.001, this means there is a difference and that th is out come was not reached by chance. If you did this test again the same result would occur 99.9% of the time. Training at altitude can change the density of the blood. The kidney keeps a constant check on the oxygen in the blood as part of homeostasis and when they are low because you are at altitude a hormone is released. This hormone tells the bone marrow to produce more red blood cells. The more red blood cells in your blood the more dense it is and this showed up in our tests.EvaluationI believe that the experiment was accurate enough for the results needed to do our coursework.There were however some anomalous results, in the test for sample A there was a result of 16.5, which is a full, two and a half seconds slower than the other results. Also in the test of sample B there is a 16 second result that is also much larger than the others.There were quite a few sources of error in the experiment. Each time the experiment was repeated the droplet changed size. The timing of the experiment was also hard to judge even at eye level, this did have adverse effects on the results as we cant know if the results are correct. After about 5 repeats of the experiment the Copper (II) Sulphate solution became full of floating blobs of mock blood, this meant that the last 5 tests of each sample could be affected by them. The recording of the time taken for the sample to fall through the Copper (II) Sulphate solution was not at all accurate. It was fine for our needs but relied heavily on our reaction to seeing the droplet pass the start and finish marks. We used a stopwatch operated by us at eye level with the measuring cylinder. The size of the drop could not be measured either which meant we had variations in that too. The size of the drop would affect the surface area and therefore friction acting upon it; this would slow down the droplet. The shape that was usually a doughnut shape could also change. These are all reasons for my results to be anomalous.To counter s ome of these problems we could use other equipment or methods. We could use a light gate that works by detecting a break in a beam of light caused by a blob of mock blood falling through the solution. This would greatly improve the accuracy of the results, as would having two people to record and time the results.The main sources of error in the experiment were mainly human error in the fact that the person carrying out the experiment controlled the drop size and timing. Most of the time there werent any problems with our techniques but errors were still made.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
The climax of the Millers Tale Essay Example
The climax of the Millers Tale Essay Example The climax of the Millers Tale Paper The climax of the Millers Tale Paper During the climax of the Millers Tale, Chaucer incorporates a kind of bowdy humor that makes the whole tale seem as though it is a comedy that just entertains the reader as a kind of prelude for the rest of the Tales in the Cabterbury Tales it self. The whole ending to the reader may just seem an elaborate ending to a tale that seems to stem from a kind of perverted mind at the times of Chaucer. The setting of the time is very important as it shows that the old days in which Chaucer lived in was not all the stereotypical ideas that many hold today and have been exploited by film makers as well. The ending and the tale show that the people of those times were not all that afraid of the kind of sexual ness that people are subjected our days. And the climax shows that a humorous society may have lived during the time and may have embraced the magnitude of the humor that Chaucer implies to the ending of the Tale The ending of the Tale is quite vivid. It figures Absalon, Nicholas and John as well as Alison. What befalls Nicholas is quite funny at first glance as a hot poker is shoved up his arse And he was redy with his iren hoot, And Nicholas amide the ers he smoot. By Absalon, due to the fact that Nicholas tried to trick him again with the same trick as before. This is funny but shows an element of surprise as Hende Nicholas is a scolar and a learned person but it prompts the question Why didnt he be original and tries another trick that may not have been so easily foreseen by Absalon. This shows that Chaucer may have just incorporated the idea that learned people at the time could also be fools and could have been bettered. Also the fact that John has already been bested and is made out to be an ignorant person he is also made out to be a crazy person who the whole town see as a fool. The folk gan laughen at his fantasie Now in those times we would expect different stories to be about the sacrifices if great honorable heroes for God, which was displayed in The Knights Tale. The fact that the two endings contrast as being opposite means the Chaucer has cleverly used the different concepts to shows what the people were really like in those days. As a difference to those in service to God the other people did enjoy a kind of sexual desire that most people experience these days. And the ending shows that a kind of humorous society lived that would accept some things that we might not have expected at the time. They would accept some kind of humor as long as it did step over the limit that most people expected at the time. This tale actually shows Chaucer as a kind of adventurous person who would like to show what qualities and talent he has, as he has done so in the Canterbury Tales. This shows that Chaucer as a person is not restrained by public opinion and especially makes this a reality with The Millers Tale. The ending in my opinion has a deeper meaning and shows that what we have stereo typed the old ages with is wrong and Chaucer has allowed us to see what reality was really like during his time. The fact that I mentioned earlier that applies to the position of the Tale in the book shows that Chaucer has contrasted a noble story with a kind of opposite with deceit and dishonorable actions and Chaucer has deliberately does this to show us that The Millers Tale was accepted then and is a kind of pub joke. The tale itself and the ending show that these ideals are true as the people then had found this amusing even though it was offending to some. The hot poker trick may have been included to show that no sin is not punished, as Chaucer may have been deeply religious at the times.
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Criminal justice admin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Criminal justice admin - Essay Example s been effective in reducing fatalities being caused by drinking yet lot more efforts are required to further reduce the fatalities and harms associated with the drinking. too get themselves involve in anti –social activities to overcome their needs of drinking. Underage drinkers can get into brawls and often find themselves in troubled waters with others and even with police officers or others who try to intervene. There are many reasons for this, which are related to their change in behavior patterns. Underage drinkers often show recklessness and overconfidence in their action and behavior with others. Intoxicated youngsters are not aware of what is happening around them and often find themselves incapable to resolve their own problems and often react violently and resort to all criminal activities. Surveys conducted at high schools and college students revealed the fact that more than 30 per cent students are heavy drunkards. Drinking is â€Å"A passage for some young souls into a lifetime of broken promises, broken families, and broken lives.†(Hazelden 2004) For the younger crowd, Street Racing is a way to show their superiority among their peers and classmates and has become a sign of masculine power. They often perform it in front of huge crowd, but away from the vigilance of police. Besides inflicting injury on themselves, with undue indulgences in street racing, they involve themselves in other antisocial activities like auto theft, physical attacks in case of failure to pay the racing bets, cruising, curfew violations and drunken driving. (Peak & Glenser 2008) Looking at the gravity of the problems and sensitivity of the issues concerned, the best policy measure is Communicative Policing. But before going on to take necessary actions in resolving the problems, analyzing the depth of problems is very important. Both the underage drinking and street racing is the gravest social issue and there are several other social problems associated with it. First
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Music essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Music - Essay Example Occasionally, certain similarities in musical characteristics may emerge between different eras. However, there are unique and notable distinction between musical styles from the medieval and that from baroque or renaissance periods. Medieval, also referred to as the Middle Ages, is characterized by monophonic musical texture. Monophonic texture has a single melody. Melodic lines are not only simple but also pure in vocal uniformity. In medieval music, the relationship between voices is in perfect consonance. In terms of accompanying sounds, medieval music used limited instruments. Absence of instruments can be witnessed in the iconic music, Canticles of Ecstasy by Hildegard. In fact, simple instruments like bells and flutes were introduced towards the end of the medieval period. Among the most famous composers of medieval music include Hildegard von Bingen from Germany, Guillaume, de Machaut from France and Francesco Landini from Italy (Smith 29). Despite the difference in the composers’ cultural backgrounds, all their music had pure and solemn melodic textures. This style of solemnity and purity in melody is a unique characteristic of medieval music. Renaissance is synonymous to rebirth. This was a period of renewal. Renaissance witnessed increased advances in social, cultural and economic aspects of life. Music from this period evolved substantially. Medieval music was monophonic with pure melodies and limited use of instruments. Contrarily, renaissance musical styles disregarded monophonic melodies at the expense of polyphonic melodies. In medieval music, there was no range in tonal variations. However, renaissance favored a wide range of tonal variation and often blended different tones to create intervallic polyphony (Smith 31). Unlike medieval music with only one tone, renaissance music comprised of two-four tones. Multiplicty in tones is evidenced in Farnon’s song, The
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Critical Approach on Calvin Klein X Essay Example for Free
Critical Approach on Calvin Klein X Essay To analyse this advertisement campaign, we use the critical approach theory. The first principle of this theory states that, all media messages are constructed. Some information is included, but much is also left out. Questions are not asked. Using this approach, we realize that in the Calvin Klein X ad campaign we chose, we only see images of muscular men but not pictures of scrawny looking men. The question is, does wearing Calvin Klein X make you look muscular and hot? Is CK X the only way to make you look good? The way the X is placed on the men’s bodies brings the attention of the viewers to the body and not the product itself. What does this mean? The Ad is in black and white, is there a reason for this? The second principle of the Critical approach theory states that Media messages are constructed using a creative language with its own rules. The typography of the X used in the campaign looks as if it is 4 arrows combined together, pointing at the product. The background colour of the Ad is white, to not draw the attention of the viewers away from the muscular men wearing the product. The way these models pose will engage the interest of viewers. Hard lighting is used in the Ad to make the models appear very strong. The shot size of the Ad makes the viewers focus on the big X right in the centre of the body. The third principle states that Different people experience the same media message differently. Men will think that wearing CK X will automatically make them look hot and women will think that if their boyfriends wear CK X, it will make them look hot. However, some men might think that this Ad objectifies men into eye candy. This Ad would be more directed to the adults, kids would not be interested in this. Furthermore, parents who are more conservative and people of the older generation, especially in the Asian context will think that this Ad is disgusting. People who are more religious and believe in that not showing your body to the public will not like this either. They would not be interested in the product too. The fourth principle states that the media consists primarily businesses driven by a profit motive. Because of the profit motive, the media will do anything to gain revenue. Thus at times, sensitive topics and images are brought up. This is because it will engage the interest of many people and when they are interested, they will automatically purchase the product. Even if they do not purchase, the â€Å"hot topic†will be spread around through word of mouth, gaining the attention of everyone. The fifth and last principle of the critical approach theory states that the media has embedded values and points of view. The Ad gives the point of view that in order to be hot and muscular, one has to wear CK X. The Ad is as though it is saying that is ok to be open about your body as the men in the Ad are not clothed. Not everyone will agree with this values and point of views and thus, this Ad will not be able to reach out to everyone except to those who are interested.
Monday, January 20, 2020
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee :: To Kill a Mockingbird Essays
To Kill a Movking Bird Tolerance Comes into Play Tolerance is a good virtue to own, without it there is no way to succeed. To Kill a Mockingbird is a great novel written by Harper Lee. In this book, a great deal of tolerance is shown by Atticus. His tolerance is shown especially in the town, when dealing with his kids and when talking to Aunt Alexandra. The theme of tolerance is shown by Atticus when he is in the town. Many of the town's people give Atticus a hard time because he is defending a black in court and he is white. There is a white person against the black yet Atticus is defending the black person, and that is what makes some people give him a hard time. In a quote from the book: "Your father's no better than the Niger's and trash he works for," said Mrs. Dubose to Scout. People just like Mrs. Dubose talk behind Atticus and also say mean or hateful things about him because he is defending a black. Although they say all this stuff he has enough tolerance and does not fight back nor say mean and/or hateful things towards them. He uses his self-control (tolerance) and lets them talk. He expresses in the book that, people can talk and say but you do not have to do anything about it. Atticus just lets it pass by him. This is one way he shows tolerance in the book. The theme of tolerance is shown by Atticus, when he is dealing with his kids. His two kids, Scout (girl) and Jem (boy), do get into mischief. And when they do he deals with it calmly and rationally. A quote dealing with this particular incident were he is talking to Scout is: "Let's get this clear: you do as Calpurnia tells you, you do as I tell you, and as long as your aunt's in the house you do as she tells you. Understand?" Atticus says this to Scout after she mouthed off at Aunt Alexandra. He calmly and rationally dealt with the situation then moved on. He didn't yell, hit, or argue, just simply stated the obvious. He shows a lot of tolerance when dealing with Scout and her stubborn ways. He does the same with Jem (Jeremy) as well. He treats his kids with respect as if they were adults. He does hot argue he says what he wants and if there is a conflict he walks away from it.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
To Kill a Mockingbird Speech
â€Å"Some Negroes lie, some Negroes are immoral, some Negroes are not to be trusted around women – black or white. But this is a truth that applies to the human race and to no particular race of men†. That was a quote by Atticus Finch. Atticus Finch is a man who always tries to do what is right. In the novel ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ a major theme is racism. An innocent black man is unfairly charged for raping a white girl. Throughout the book we learn about Atticus’ views on racism as well as racism being present in the novel. I feel very strongly about this topic and my views about it are very similar to Atticus’, rather than most of the Maycomb community’s. In ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ racism has a big impact in the novel. Since the book was based in the 1930’s, the issue of racism was not only present in the book but was relevant at the time in the Southern States of America. In 1930 Negroes had only been free from slavery for 65 years. After these 65 years of being free citizens, most whites still believed they are below them. This isn’t so different in Australia. The Aboriginal Australians were only granted the right to vote, after a referendum was held in 1967. That was around 45 years ago and still some aboriginals still fall victims to racism. The town of Maycomb County is a good example of a community whom a majority of its citizens stereotype people by their skin colour. The difference from Atticus’s views on racism compared to a person like Bob Ewell is completely opposite. Atticus lives in a racist society and doesn’t share these prejudice views. Atticus once said â€Å"You never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them†. He teaches his children, Jem and Scout to treat everyone with respect, including their black housekeeper, Calpurnia. He respects people of colour and believes it is his duty to defend Tom Robinson to the best of his ability. Bob Ewell and a majority of Maycomb County do not agree with Atticus’s views. They don’t see Tom as â€Å"Tom†, they see him as a negro. Atticus quotes: â€Å"what was one negro, more or less, among two hundred of ‘em? Read also How Powerful Do You Find Atticus Finch’s Closing Speech? He wasn’t Tom to them†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Due to the jury racially discriminating against Negroes, Tom Robinson was pronounced guilty. No matter how much evidence Atticus justified to the court that Tom Robinson was not guilty, the jury would still pick a white person over a Negro. Tom truly believed he had no chance for an appeal and decided to attempt to escape, taking his own chances and being shot. Tom believed that he would fall victim to racial prejudice again and not be judged fairly despite his innocence. Racism caused an innocent man’s death. In my opinion, I don’t see how anyone benefits from being racist and I am so against it. We are all human beings and that doesn’t change because of the colour of your skin. No race is better than the other and it is ignorant to believe that you are above someone else by judging their skin colour. Racism is so unnecessary and I stand with Atticus’s views when It comes to this topic. Atticus’s lack of racial prejudice shows how fair and genuinely good of a person he is. Atticus made an impression on the Maycomb community, a community that in the 1930’s were very racially discriminating against coloured people. Atticus influences the reader to have not judge someone based on their skin colour. The Tom Robinson case was a step towards stopping racism. ‘Atticus finch won’t win, he can’t win, but he’s the only man in these parts who can keep a jury out so long in a case like that. ’, Miss Maudie quotes ‘well, we’re making a step – it’s just a baby step, but it’s a step’. To Kill a Mockingbird Speech English Speech The bildungsroman genre comprises social and psychological maturity of its protagonist. Harper lee's To Kill a Mockingbird and Gwen Harwood's Father and Child poem both are written in bildungsroman genre. The two texts surround the themes of childhood innocence and maturing to reflect upon universal human experiences. Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird focuses on the protagonist, Scout, and how moves from a state of innocence to one of maturity. At the start of the book, Scout is like any other girl; her ideas are simple and childish.Scouts loss of innocence is portrayed in the Tom Robinson's trial. Most adults of the community insist scout is too young to hear about a trial about rape, however scout replies, â€Å"I most certainly am not, I know every word you're saying. †This shows the loss of innocence in Scout and reflects on the universal human experiences surrounding this theme. Similarly, Gwenn Harwood's Father and Child also uses the bildungsroman genre to depict universal human experiences.Harwood utilizes violent and visual imagery in portraying the child murdering the owl to emphasise the loss of innocence. Also the phrase, â€Å"for what I have begun†suggests that the child has lost their innocence and father's trust. The loss of innocence most certainly represents universal human experiences. Furthermore, Harper Lee displays the maturation in Scout from the beginning of the book to the end. At the beginning of the novel, scout is immature and rude.This is shown as scout fights Walter Cunningham for the reason of â€Å"not having his lunch†. When Scout says, â€Å"Who in this town did anything to help Tom Robinson, just who? †she shows signs of maturation in her ability to understand the issue of racism. Towards the end of the novel, though Scout is still a child, her perspectives on life develop onto a near grown up and this replicates the experiences faced by all humans. Gwen Harwood's Father and Child also shows maturation of the persona through the changes in relationships with her father.With many allusions of nature, Harwood constructs a dynamic backdrop which allow you to realise the subtle shifts in the child's personality. The theme of maturation is one which is presented in the bildungsroman genre to reflect on universal human experiences. As we can gather from the texts; To kill a Mockingbird and Father and Child, the use of bildungsroman genre appeals in its ability to capture universal human experiences. The themes of loss of innocence and maturation depict the universal human experiences in the two texts and reflect on this statement.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
The Great Emancipator Abraham Lincoln - 894 Words
The Great Emancipator Abraham Lincoln became the president of the United States of America in March of 1861. While he led the country through one of the worst wars in the history of America, he is most known for abolishing slavery through the Emancipation Proclamation, thus giving him the nickname of â€Å"The Great Emancipator.†There are a great amount of debates on whether Lincoln was worthy of this title, one reason being that the Emancipation Declaration was limited and did not abolish slavery, the 13th Amendment abolished slavery, which would come later in January of 1865. As the Civil War was going on, Lincoln needed to gather the Southern states that had seceded, back into the union, and issuing the proclamation was more of a military necessity than it was a humanitarian decision. According to the article â€Å"Abraham Lincoln Biography†published on, prior to becoming the 16th president of the United States, Lincoln was a lawyer and a U.S. Representativ e. There are many written artifacts that prove that Lincoln made comments that contradict the view many have come to think of Lincoln in regards to slaves. One being made on August 21, 1858 during one of seven debates with Stephen A. Douglas, who was a U.S. Representative that Lincoln was challenging for his seat: â€Å"I will say here, while upon this subject, that I have no purpose directly or indirectly to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to doShow MoreRelatedAbraham Lincoln : The Great Emancipator1590 Words  | 7 PagesSarmiento 6 Abraham Lincoln: The Great Emancipator During Abraham Lincoln’s presidency, the United States was divided into North and South, who were at war with one another. Recognizing the nation needed a determined leader to guide them into prosperity, Lincoln devised his plan for success. Lincoln’s attempts to preserve the North, while uniting them with the South seemed to be failing as the war continued throughout his first term. Once Lincoln got reelected in 1864, he set out to succeed inRead MoreAbraham Lincoln And The Great Emancipator2143 Words  | 9 Pages Abraham Lincoln, â€Å" The Great Emancipator,†was the president of the United States from March 1861 to April 1865- when he was assassinated. Lincoln is known world-wide for the Emancipation Proclamation, which accomplished the freeing of the slaves, or so the they taught at the school. What schools don’t teach is that the Emancipation Proclamation had many restraints within it. Slaves were only to be freed in â€Å"rebellious states†: Southern states,(Graham);slavery remained untouched in the statesRead MoreThe Great Emancipator By President Abraham Lincoln947 Words  | 4 PagesThe Great Emancipator While in office, President Abraham Lincoln led the country through the Civil War, he is most known as being responsible for the abolishing of slavery through the Emancipation Proclamation, thus giving him the nickname of â€Å"The Great Emancipator.†Technically speaking, the Emancipation Declaration did not actually abolish slavery in itself, rather it led to the 13th Amendment, which did end slavery in January of 1865. At brief glance, the Emancipation Proclamation’s sole purposeRead MoreAbraham Lincoln: Great Emancipator or Common Politician?1487 Words  | 6 PagesPresident Abraham Lincoln has been revered as one of the greatest presidents in the history of the United States. He is known for his great effect on slavery and served his terms during the civil war in a time of great controversy. The American Civil War (1860-1865) occurred at the exact time of Lincolns presidency (1861-1865). The North and the South were divided and a big issue was slavery, on which Lincoln took an anti-slavery stance. Lincoln has been called many things because of his views fromRead MoreThe Myth Of Abraham Lincoln1291 Words  | 6 PagesLincoln was a man of many talents that helped form the myths we know today and that most of those myths are well justified. With Lincoln being a man solidified into history and mythology, have the myths overshadowed the facts that truly made his life historically worthy or is it that within every myth lies an element of fact? The myths about Abraham Lincoln are ones of much debate leaving some to say that they accurately depict what Lincoln was and some see them as an embellishment of the truthRead MoreThe Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln1456 Words  | 6 Pagesbe the same today if Abraham Lincoln was never assassinated on the unfortunate night of April 14, 1865. His killer, John Wilkes Booth, had a strong resent for the Union that subsequently caused a dramatic shift in history. This hatred was caused by many factors, such as his background and where he grew up, his lust for power and fame, and his mental illness. John Wilkes Booth, a master assassinator and conspirator, hoped to strengthen the confederacy by killing Abraham Lincoln. However, this murderRead More Abraham Lincoln and Slavery Essay1617 Words  | 7 PagesAbraham Lincoln and Slavery Many Americans believe that Abraham Lincoln was the â€Å"Great Emancipator,†the sole individual who ended slavery, and the man who epitomizes freedom. In his brief presidential term, Lincoln dealt with an unstable nation, with the South seceding from the country and in brink of leaving permanently. The differing ideologies between the North and South about the economy and slavery quickly lead to civil war. It was now the duty of Lincoln to maintain the unityRead MoreAbraham Lincoln : Vampire Hunter971 Words  | 4 PagesAbraham Lincoln is an American President who hasn’t been overlooked in the decades following his death. His character still lives on today as he resonates through popular American culture. Many books and movies have been produced about his life to show the role he played in our history and the impact he had on our country. The most recent film, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, captivated audience’s attention with a riveting tale about our sixteenth president hunting vampires. The film contains someRead MoreThe Views On Lincoln s Presidency1738 Words  | 7 PagesLincoln’s opinions and policies toward slavery, and the unification of a nation as a whole, I distinguished that several authors have contending visions of Lincoln’s actions during his presidency. Some authors (Dirck, Guelzo, Striner) portray Lincoln as the great emancipator in depicting him as a crusader whose main purp ose during the Civil War was only to accomplish the abolishment of slavery. In contrast, some authors (Escott, Gates, Foner, and McPherson) maintain a more critical stance on Lincoln’s decisionRead MoreAbraham Lincoln s Political Legacy856 Words  | 4 Pagesof the book Abraham Lincoln’s political legacy is looked at. It goes in depth on how during the Reconstruction, the republican party essentially ruined the South for twelve years by instituting puppet governments that constantly raised taxes but provided very few public benefits (7). This chapter talks also talks about how the republican party stole money from the raised taxes. It seems like the main goal for the government at this point was to become an empire under Abraham Lincoln and his business
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