Monday, May 25, 2020

The True Cost Of Living - 1014 Words

The True Cost of Living Affordable Housing is a subject that every federal, state, and policy maker has to address. With high homelessness rates, there has to be ways to provide affordable housing to those in need ( A family must have acceptable housing options to have a positive quality of life. Land Bank defines affordability as, A common measure of community-wide affordability is the number of homes that a household with a certain percentage of median income can afford† ( Median incomes are calculated by household incomes and by demographic groups. If a person is under this median income range they have difficulty affording the housing within their communities. Of course, there are several housing options available for individuals and families. For example, The Department of Housing and Urban Development has income based programs like Section 8 and Public Housing they offer on a limited basis. Non-profit programs like Neighborhood Works offer foreclosure prevention counseling and some refinancing options. Even so, there are certain drawbacks to these housing policies that are among these housing options. With the current housing options open and in light of mediocre housing policies, there needs to be broader options for people to choose from. PART I Acceptable affordable housing is lacking for low-income individuals and families. Without adequate housing, individuals find themselves struggling financially, and manyShow MoreRelatedMinimum Wage And The Cost Of Living Essay1518 Words   |  7 Pagesand when we can do it, with the complex of living in the United States which is supposed to be the land of the free. The cost of living now these days have put those who only make minimum wage in poverty stricken situations, which now they have no choice but to depend on the government to live. 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